クリスティン・ポープのインスタグラム(kris10pope) - 11月15日 03時51分

I don’t know where to start! First and foremost, I am NOT RETIRING from weightlifting. This sport is one of my biggest passions, fitness is my lifestyle, and competing is in my blood. I have already made a goal to qualify and return to the platform at the 2020 American Open in ATL next December with baby in tow. YES that is going to be very difficult goal to accomplish, but it will keep me sane while I take this year off to bring my child in to the world. I will be documenting the whole journey to motherhood, but still make a lot of content about fitness, lifting, random other bullsh*t I like doing too.

WORKING OUT DURING EARLY PREGNANCY… I was already pregnant in these pix hehe - and this is one of the last times I snatched. That was the first thing to go! (Sigh, my favorite thing!) A lot of people can snatch well in to the second trimester but right off the bat my whole pelvic region was swollen and tender and snatching was painful almost immediately. I tried to continue my normal training (since I had backed off to 4 days and lowered my intensity already pre-pregnancy) but I was getting uterine cramps everyyyy time I lifted right after - pretty much took this as my body saying “THIS IS TOO MUCH YOU CRAZY LADY”. Then the morning sickness came on fast and strong.. and I basically laid on my bathroom floor for 3 weeks. I worked out maybe twice between 5-8 weeks. This was mentally SO FREAKING HARD on me… but I was very sick and knocked on my ass from the exhaustion. It is what it is! Growing a human is hard work. About 8 weeks I started getting back in the gym once I felt up for it and decided to start with some CrossFit Metcons.. light weights, lots of moving around - got the endorphins flowing again. Last week I added in 1 lift before a metcon and kept up with that for 3 training days. This week I am trying to do the same! I am feeling more and more like myself by the day now that I am 10 weeks along and adjusting to all the changes to my bod. Bebe comes first now, but I plan to lift full term if my body allows me - I am excited to share all of this with y’all! Thank you so much for the massive amount of support! Buckle up KP- it’s going to be a wild ride! 😁


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