Lauren Drain Kaganのインスタグラム(laurendrainfit) - 10月7日 06時22分

Little bump & pregnancy update! My second trimester summary:
- Boost in energy compared to first - Nausea/all day sickness resolved - Slowed down my weight gain (gained only 7 lbs this trimester compared to 16 lbs in first trimester)
- Workouts: hiked 22 days on my vacation for 5+ miles a day/10,000 + steps a day - Cardio hiit 3-4x/week 30-40 minutes - Weights 4-5x/week 45 minutes
- Eating more healthy: eggs/egg whites + toast or oats in am, protein + veggies or salad, fruit/nuts/yogurt/rice cakes for snacks, fish/chicken/beef + veggies for dinner
- Rub rose hip oil + cocoa butter on belly, boobs, back, hips and thighs daily - Need 1 Benadryl at night for 8 hrs sleep
- Week 21 felt my first baby kicks! 🥰
- Week 24-26 Bump feeling like it’s growing super fast and heavy.
- Have to “roll out of bed” 😂
- Can’t put on my own shoes, can’t lay on belly anymore, can’t put on all clothes myself anymore, can’t fit into any of my leggings, bras or clothes anymore - Daily back/hip pain —> stretch and strengthen muscles with back workouts and pelvic floor workouts daily - Started snissing 😭🤦🏼‍♀️ doing kegels everyday 4 sets of 20 LMAO - Weekly back massages by Dave and/or masseuse
- 26 weeks feeling lower energy/motivation - Can’t tolerate large meals, it hurts to eat too much in one sitting, so 4-5 small frequent meals/snacks
- Drinking 7-8 water bottles a day - Take benefiber & colace to prevent constipation or hemorrhoids
- Feeling heavy, uncomfortable and super impatient to meet baby Aria face to face👼🏼 #pregnancy #pregnant


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