Paige Reillyのインスタグラム(paigereilly) - 7月15日 07時15分

I am the actual worst at doing abs lolllll but I’m trying my best to actually incorporate them into my training, so here’s a quick lil Sunday ab circuit. I feel the need to say the necessary “abs are made in the kitchen” statement lol but it’s still important to build a strong core!⁣

4 rounds:⁣
🍊 Bicycle crunches: 10 each side (doing one side at a time, not alternating)⁣
🍊 Lying leg raises: 10 reps⁣
🍊 Plank cross crunch: 10 reps each side (again, one side at a time)⁣
🍊 Plank rotations: 20 total reps⁣
🍊 Walk outs: 8 reps - extending out further than a push up position, keeping core tight⁣

Okkk that’s all I got LOL. Again, not an ab queen and honestly have a very weak core so a goal of mine is definitely to improve on that 👊🏻⁣

🍊 Amber seamless set from @balanceathletica releasing JULY 20th at 12pm MST - YouTube video with sizing is linked in my bio.⁣
🌿 All rooftop decor is @Target (who is surprised lol)⁣


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