トリー・ウィルソンのインスタグラム(torriewilson) - 6月19日 04時00分

Relationships, goals, dreams, success, personal joy, it even affects your fitness goals!
The BEST thing you can do for yourself - is to draw the line clearly in the sand when it comes to negativity in your world.
You can love ppl, but you don’t have to let their negative attitude bring you down. I don’t care who you are, eventually a bad attitude wears us out. .
❤️Stop listening to ppl spread gossip.
❤️Stop listening to ppl complain about everything going & who’s done them wrong day in and day out.
❤️When you hear ppl talking shit about someone they may or may not know..exit the convo.
❤️When someone starts criticizing you without asking for an opinion, walk away.
❤️When someone tries to BULLY you with their nasty attitude & mean behavior..take the high road and tell em you hope their day gets more positive.
❤️If you feel anxious every time you are around certain ppl..STOP giving them your precious time...or limit the time you must give them.
❤️If you doubt yourself around highly critical peeps, PLEASE decrease the time you give them.
❤️Watch. Once you start drawing the line, the negative Nancy’s will start drifting away in search of someone else to fuel them...and you will magically start feeling like you can conquer the world even more than you do now.

A good attitude is necessary for all the awesome


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