サザビーズのインスタグラム(sothebys) - 5月4日 05時30分

After one year of construction, today we unveil a dramatic reimagining and expansion of our #NewYork exhibition galleries designed by Shohei Shigematsu of the renowned architecture firm OMA. The vast new galleries will distinguish Sotheby’s as the world’s premier commercial space for viewing and acquiring fine art, precious objects, luxury goods and more. Opening with our marquee May exhibitions and auctions of Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary Art, the new galleries increase our exhibition space from 67,000 to more than 90,000 square feet. Comprising 40 galleries of varying sizes spread across four entirely transformed floors, the new space rivals major museums around the world in scope, scale, quality and flexibility. We invite you to come see the new galleries and explore the works of art on view! Our exhibitions are free and open to the public. #SothebysBreakingGround #SothebysContemporary #SothebysImpMod


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