Let’s talk about the stigma around mental health. #bellletstalk I was 23. My business had taken off the ground, I had a loving relationship, great friendships & family, went to church and you’d say I had it pretty together from the outside. Then I had the worst panic attack on a street walking to my birthday lunch with @nealjolly and it felt like (not to be dramatic, but it actually did feel as if) I was dying. Weeks of crippling anxiety ensued and honestly I had suffered from panic attacks/anxiousness as a kid and in my teens, but not to this degree. I didn’t want to leave my house. Some of you may have even followed me back at that time and had absolutely no clue. I didn’t want to talk about it. People would ask how I was, and I’d smile and say “great!” Here’s the thing, I knew I could go to my church for help and prayers, but I didn’t. I knew I had access to therapists, but I didn’t go. I had friends and family offering support, but I didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to act like it was just a brief moment in my life I struggled and I could carry on like nothing had happened. Then it got worse. I got physically sick from my anxiety (vomiting, poor digestion, insomnia, acne, heart palpitations, joint pains, stomach aches and constant nausea). I was so embarrassed I couldn’t get this under control (there’s that stigma). Not talking about it held me in bondage longer than I needed to. I felt helpless in those moments, but I wasn’t hopeless. I clung to my faith and the promises of peace. I just wanted peace. I wanted my mind to not be so restless and anxious. You see, spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials. I felt so heavy and burdened by it thinking, “why was this so hard to get a grip of? It’s not an issue for them, why is it an issue for me?” Five years later, I’m not embarrassed, and you shouldn’t be either if you deal with mental health. You’re not any less grateful for your life if you deal with anxiety. You’re not any less worthy of overcoming or receiving healing. (Continued in comments)

stephsjollyさん(@stephsjolly)が投稿した動画 -

Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 1月31日 02時51分

Let’s talk about the stigma around mental health. #bellletstalk I was 23. My business had taken off the ground, I had a loving relationship, great friendships & family, went to church and you’d say I had it pretty together from the outside. Then I had the worst panic attack on a street walking to my birthday lunch with @nealjolly and it felt like (not to be dramatic, but it actually did feel as if) I was dying. Weeks of crippling anxiety ensued and honestly I had suffered from panic attacks/anxiousness as a kid and in my teens, but not to this degree. I didn’t want to leave my house. Some of you may have even followed me back at that time and had absolutely no clue. I didn’t want to talk about it. People would ask how I was, and I’d smile and say “great!” Here’s the thing, I knew I could go to my church for help and prayers, but I didn’t. I knew I had access to therapists, but I didn’t go. I had friends and family offering support, but I didn’t want to talk about it. I wanted to act like it was just a brief moment in my life I struggled and I could carry on like nothing had happened. Then it got worse. I got physically sick from my anxiety (vomiting, poor digestion, insomnia, acne, heart palpitations, joint pains, stomach aches and constant nausea). I was so embarrassed I couldn’t get this under control (there’s that stigma). Not talking about it held me in bondage longer than I needed to. I felt helpless in those moments, but I wasn’t hopeless. I clung to my faith and the promises of peace. I just wanted peace. I wanted my mind to not be so restless and anxious. You see, spiritual blessings come wrapped in trials. I felt so heavy and burdened by it thinking, “why was this so hard to get a grip of? It’s not an issue for them, why is it an issue for me?” Five years later, I’m not embarrassed, and you shouldn’t be either if you deal with mental health. You’re not any less grateful for your life if you deal with anxiety. You’re not any less worthy of overcoming or receiving healing. (Continued in comments)


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