キャンディス・クマイのインスタグラム(candicekumai) - 12月17日 02時05分

?⚡️once upon a time....
a girl who you all thought was superwoman ... she got lost on the trail of pioneering ... she found herself back in her home-state of Cali, the golden state, gazing at the golden sunrises and magical sunsets, surfing, hiking, laughing + remembering what was important to her heart+ her very best friends from childhood to college in SF and NY came together+ took her back on the path she was meant to lead.
without them, I could never have made it. without them, I couldn’t write for you my very best. I owe them my deepest gratitude:
LOVE isn’t always about romance, Love ? is all the little things your best friends do for you x

girls, you are my everything Steph, Courts, Christina, Saj, Molly & so many more of you .... I owe you my life’s calling — my heart and my best. Thank you for being with me — through the good and mostly through the bad. You show me who you are.
our friends are the ones who pick us back up when we can’t — when we fall off— when we aren’t superwoman. It’s okay to not be perfect, it’s okay to be real af #WabiSabi It’s okay to take breaks + shift your world back in nature —I am certain this is the part of life we all need to get back to. Stop looking around & start living x

PS girls I can’t find this stupid hat anymore — maybe it’s a good thing ?x


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




