ジョン・スタンメイヤーのインスタグラム(johnstanmeyer) - 11月11日 04時48分

This day I met Labh Singh, a roadside shop owner where we sipped cups of his sweet chai, dipped biscuits, when taking a break driving from Amritsar to Bathinda. I much prefer color, in b&w it felt more as the mindful fellow I met, so stoic he was, more revealing. To see the same portrait in color, watch my latest Instagram Story. And thank you so much for all the private messages so many of you send each day. Yes, I would love to meet everyone throughout this month long assignment in northern India, and to be honest, there simply isn’t time. Let the beauty of serendipity find us at the same place, sipping chai...
#onassignment @ナショナルジオグラフィック @outofedenwalk @natgeoimagecollection #india #portrait #somewhereinthepunjab #punjab


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




