Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 9月26日 01時24分

People want to be seen. It’s why some people obsess over followers & likes. It’s why they lash out in hate or negativity (a cry for help). It’s why they think they need to be or have more. God sees you. He has your name tattooed on the palm of His hand (Isaiah 49:16), He fights until you are found no matter how many times He is rejected, He leaves the 99 for the 1 (Matthew 18:12), He sees us in our darkest times when we are ready to turn our back. He sees you and all of your flaws, wrongs & ugly thoughts and still loves you eternally and hopes you can love Him too.
Today I’m talking about self worth on the blog today & why it’s important to identify where we draw it from. There are things in this life designed to distract you and tell you that your size, colour of your skin, what you do or how much you have determines your worth and I want to tell you those are flat out lies because God has called you and made you for more. He calls you fearfully & wonderfully made. More at the link in my bio! ❤️ #notsmalltalk #christianblogger #selflove #letsgodeeper
Outfit linked here: #liketkit #LTKunder100 #falloutfit #leopardprint #HMxMe


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