Stephanie Sterjovskiのインスタグラム(stephsjolly) - 9月23日 04時47分

Went on a date with my guy this morning to do some fall things & celebrate this new season that’s going to be undoubtably busy (nearing the @ssprintshop launch of For Such A Time As This) ?? Being married and together for so long/working full-time as partners, it’s important to carve out time that’s not just for cleaning, planning, over scheduling commitments with everyone & working. It’s healthy to just be us and be present. It breathes new life and energy in to your relationship. We’re always so busy “going” - where are we even headed burned out on life? We love our jobs and the life we have created together but we are also being more intentional about taking time to just be present with one another. Jesus was never in a rush, never too busy, He always made more room at the table and made time. Inviting more of Him into the way we practice our lives, our marriage and our weekends everyday means letting go of worldly views ❤️ The world will always tell you to be on the go, but I think it’s better to just be. #bestillandknow #teamjolly #happywifey #happyfall #newseasons (ps. Outfit is shoppable in the app) ✨


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