タロンガ動物園のインスタグラム(tarongazoo) - 9月5日 15時00分

With Threatened Species Day just around the corner, we are shining a light on some of our most iconic species – including the amazing Platypus. They may be shy and elusive, but we love them all the same. Threats to Platypus on the mainland include habitat damage and loss, deteriorating water quality (particularly from household chemicals, pesticides and fertilisers that enter a waterway through storm run-off) and accidental drowning in nets and traps set for fish and crustaceans, especially in small streams where populations may be critically small. Taronga supports platypus conservation in collaboration with the Australian Platypus Conservancy. For more info, check out the link in our bio. #ForTheWild #ThreatenedSpeciesDay ? @amytherese.russell


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