ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 7月4日 10時36分

Tech elites who want more than extra zeros in their bank statements are finding it in an unlikely place: so-called songversations, emotion-heavy gatherings that combine philosophical rap sessions with improvised music, run by a ukulele-strumming songstress. “The finance and tech scene is still riding the waves of hypermasculine values,” said @yesjessmagic, 37, who divides her time between California and Indonesia. “Coffee to get through the day, alcohol to wind down, then sleeping pills at night to turn off the mind from all that they have going on.” She added, “People forget that they are human beings rather than human doings.” Enter the Soul Salon, which she performs as a “gift,” she said — although guests are invited to “contribute in accordance with the value they feel they received.” The salons usually start with a theme — say, the emptiness of consumer culture. As key phrases arise, @yesjessmagic will begin strumming, weaving lines of dialogue into a lilting melody. The song grows and others join in. Not every captain of industry can carry a tune, of course, but that’s not the point. As @yesjessmagic likes to say, “We don’t sing to be good, we sing to be free.” @zak_krevitt photographed PJ Jahn and other guests channeling their freedom at #SoulSalon in Manhattan last month. #✨


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