レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 6月18日 07時44分

Be still, my heart❤️ So it’s #ProjectAloneTime Day 4 and my entire being is itching to hug these two. Especially when @dennisfromsalad sends me things like this - them watching one of our Instagram videos and her pointing her tiny finger at me on the screen??? Mammamamma? But - only two more sleeps! And I’m still enjoying myself and my alone time. I swear. I am! (but I may have watched this video 500 times)? I’m getting a lot done but also not doing anything at all. Practicing a ton of yoga, organizing the house, cooking, reading... I’ve only left the house to walk the dogs since I got here and once to go to the studio. I feel a sense of calm that’s very unlike me - I simply have nothing to do! A break from everything. No work. No place to go. Nothing to fix, build, decide... It’s just me. And turns out, I’m pretty good company?
My plan for the evening is my bathtub, a Carlos Ruiz Zafón book and a coffee body scrub. So odd, this practice of doing nothing. Makes me realize how much of my regular time is spent doing everything.
Do you have a self-care practice? What does it look like? Do you have a hard time fitting it in? Share, share. x ? .

#ProjectAloneTime #selfcare #calm #relax #restore #trust #release #surrender #motherhood #mamahood #baby #family #cute #sweetheart #baby #life #love #gratitude


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