ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 6月12日 09時45分

One morning in April, federal immigration agents swept into a meatpacking plant in Morristown, Tennessee, launching one of the biggest workplace raids since #PresidentTrump took office with a pledge to crack down on illegal immigration. Dozens of panicked workers fled in every direction. About 100 workers, including at least one American citizen, were rounded up. “My mom had told us one day it could happen, that one day one of them would be taken. The hardest thing is talking about it,” said Nataly Luna, the 12-year-old girl who was photographed here by @charlesmostoller. After the raid, immigrant advocates organized a peace march, and Nataly carried a sign bearing the image of her father, a native of Mexico who’d been working in the United States without papers for 20 years before he was taken into custody. “We Miss You,” the sign read. “We need you by our side. You are the best father.” All 97 workers taken into custody now face deportation, though several have been released pending hearings. And much of the town is reeling. Visit the link in our profile to read more about the Tennessee town that fought back when ICE came for the immigrants living there.


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