thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月8日 00時48分

Photo by @tomasvh. Since 2013, Tomas van Houtryve has used vertical aerial photography and innovative compositions of shadows to draw our attention to the rise of the drone technology. Adding to his acclaimed Blue Sky Days series on drone warfare, this latest series, Over the Line, brings a new perspective to the Mexico-U.S. border, the key geopolitical fault line of the Trump era. The images are currently featured in @TIME Magazine ' s special report on the drone age ( ) In addition to capturing life along the border, van Houtryve comments on the weaponization of photography in the TIME article, saying, “Historically, photography was about portraiture, fine art, journalism or just recording memories of family and friends. On the border, however, cameras are used for targeting and apprehension. The photographic medium has been weaponized. When I think about the vast network of lens-based technology deployed along the border, I consider it as what is probably the U.S. government’s largest and most expensive photo project in its history.” #overtheline #blueskydays #tomasvanhoutryve @pulitzercenter @viiphoto
Photo caption: An individual wearing a cowboy hat walks near a railway gate along the U.S.-Mexico border in Nogales, Sonora and Arizona.


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