thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月6日 21時30分

Photograph by David Chancellor @chancellordavid of Sir David Attenborough talking with a blind black rhino calf Nicky @lewa_wildlife northern Kenya - “I’ve always felt that Sir David Attenborough is part of my family, an uncle maybe, who travelled the World bringing stories of other Worlds to us. He’d talk to us through that magic window, presenting us with all manner of marvellous creatures seemingly known only to him. Many years, and a lifetime later, I found myself sitting in a Land Rover listening to that voice of reason; we all know and understand far more of the world thanks to Sir David. A world that has changed immeasurably, but the man remains constant, a bright light that we should all follow. It’s clear to me that If we do not lead by example and teach our children that it’s not our God given right to take what we want, when we want, then there is little hope for the myriad of creatures who inhabitant this planet alongside us. We must lead by example. Their World is no longer their own, infinite can no longer be used in Africa or elsewhere, animals are finite - with Sir David Attenborough ‘Africa’ for the @bbc - to see more of my work and projects follow me here @chancellordavid @ナショナルジオグラフィック @thephotosociety and @everydayextinction #davidattenborough #bbc #blackrhino #northernkenya #conserving #conservation #withbutterfliesandwarriors #northernkenya #fightingextinction


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