Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer のインスタグラム(lionwhisperersa) - 5月21日 12時35分

I find it difficult to believe that anyone can find this face ugly or mean. It’s easy to portray animals in a negative light especially if they can be made to look like the villain in documentaries and films. Truth is hyena are a critical component of the ecosystem and when they disappear from an area it should be great cause for concern as to the health of that system. Fortunately I have seen a positive change in people’s attitudes toward them. This can be attributed to positive stories in the press, on social media and documentaries. It goes to show the power of creating awareness. It plays an ever increasing role in conservation no matter how indirect or far removed it may seem. #spottedhyena #socialintelligence #indicatorspecies #hyena #matriarch #savehabitat #savehyenas


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