ベス・ロッデンのインスタグラム(bethrodden) - 4月1日 06時22分

The last time I did ‘La Conque à Doigt’ was in 2003. It was near the beginning of almost a decade of peak fitness for me and the height of my hard climbing career. A lot has happened between then and now to make me question whether I could ever do things that I did back then. I had a rare weepy moment standing on top of this boulder today. It felt a little silly since it wasn’t about the climb, but rather the ups and downs I’ve gone through since then. Doing this climb has never been close to noteworthy, but it symbolized something that I had basically written off, which made it that much more satisfying to do. Climbing is a funny thing sometimes, either focusing you purely in the present, or taking you back through memory lane...I guess that’s why we all love it so much. ? @randypuro ?


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