Zanna Van Dijkのインスタグラム(zannavandijk) - 1月20日 05時27分

Dips dips dips ?? Want to strengthen your upper body and feel like a badass? This is the exercise for you ? I personally struggle with bodyweight dips - I blame my exceptionally long limbs ? However I am building up my strength using these two variations ➡️ Eccentric dips - controlling the lowering movement. Go as slowly as possible. Aim for 3 seconds minimum (this video is triple speed) ➡️ Banded dips - use a resistance band to help you move up out of the bottom of the dip, often the hardest part of the movement. As time passes, use thinner more challenging bands ?? Incorporating these into your strength training using principles of progressive overload (I.e. increasing the duration of the eccentric dips or decreasing the strength of the bands) will support the development of bodyweight dips. Once you can do those, you’ll be feeling pretty damn cool ? #zvdworkout


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