スティーブ・クックのインスタグラム(stevecook) - 1月12日 03時18分

Now that we’re getting settled into 2018 you might find those lofty New Year’s resolutions are becoming a little bit harder to maintain. Some people may even feel they’ve already failed. When these feelings of Inadequacy start creeping up, as you start looking at other people and thinking how much better their life is, remember to be grateful for what you have. We live in a culture that rewards people that are constantly pushing themselves, working harder and tackling their goals. But it’s also equally important to remind ourselves to be grateful for what we have. Culturally we’re taught that if you’re not Progressing you’re regressing, but there is something powerful about expressing gratitude for what we’ve be given!

I’m a firm believer that being grateful for things attracts more things in our life to be grateful for. 2018 will be a wonderful year, feel grateful for the gifts and blessing that you know are coming. Let go of fear and anxiety. How do we do that? By being grateful now, today!


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