National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 10月30日 23時14分

Photo by @Cristina Mittermeier // An American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) peers above the thin blue line and we make eye contact through the lens of my camera. We can't help but wonder if writer, Ernest Hemmingway experienced something similar. It’s entirely possible. Unlike too many areas in the world, where you have to look through the history books to get a sense of what life was like only a few decades ago, in Cuba’s Gardens of the Queen, the environment hasn’t changed that much. It remains untouched by luxury hotels and manicured golf courses.
“Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with that there is” - Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea, written in Cuba, published in 1952. To see more #underwater photos from this untouched garden, please #follow my #instagram feed at @Cristina Mittermeier
#TurningTheTide, with @andy_mann and @paulnicklen | #gardensofthequeen | #Cuba | #JardinesdelaReina | #jardinesdelrey | #crocodiles| | #marineconservation | #Hemmingway | @cubamarine


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