サディク・ハドゾビックのインスタグラム(sadikhadzovic) - 10月21日 08時58分

Its simple when you know why and what works for your body. It may not always be the best looking but I promise the results will be ten fold. Dieting is no task and the cravings are sometimes unbearable but in order to be a champion you have to have a work ethic that is worthy enough. Stick to the process and stay committed. Re channel those food cravings into more fuel to reach your goal. Just so you all have an idea this is a few days worth of food for me. My tip to help you save in the grocery store is to see what lean cuts of protein are on sale, and what are the cheaper options per pound. Check out what non-starch veggies are on sale. Keep in mind that buying local veggies is usually cheaper. But frozen veggies like you see are always a good bet and will save you a ton of time. These you can find dirt cheap, they last longer then fresh veggies, and can be just as nutritious. So you can see eating consistently to fuel my body and keep my metabolism up which is crucial! Now these foods are specific for my off season goals. Have you been dieting and not seeing the results? Lets work together to find what works best for you.
?Email: Coaching@sadikhadzovic.com


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