ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月30日 06時37分

Since before Leo could speak, his parents say, he has gravitated toward things traditionally associated with girls. The 5-year-old loves pink, Barbies and anything that sparkles. He also likes to wear dresses. His parents describe him as “gender expansive,” and in the liberal enclave of Park Slope, where the family lives, Leo has encountered far less resistance than he might have elsewhere. But when he started kindergarten last year, his parents say, that changed. Leo’s parents, Danielle Super and Michael Davis, filed a lawsuit last week that says Public School 107 in Park Slope created a hostile environment for their son. The suit also says that they were unfairly accused of abuse, after Leo made a remark that was overheard by a classmate’s parent. (The investigation found nothing amiss.) Leo transferred to a different school in the middle of the last school year, and will start at a private school next week. He seems to have moved on, his parents said. But they felt compelled to file a lawsuit all the same. “As a parent, my job is not to make strangers comfortable,” Danielle said. “My job is to protect my child, and to make my child comfortable so he can flourish.” @trittscamera took this photo of Leo while on #nytassignment.


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