ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月23日 02時59分

Every traveler has a story to tell. Our reporter @andylocal2 found a series of tales at the Ark at JFK, a gleaming new animal transportation center at Kennedy International Airport. One recent morning, “2 house cats bound for London and a Chihuahua headed to Paris waited in their pens in the Ark’s cavernous Pet Oasis, down the aisle from a pair of military explosives-sniffing dogs being redeployed to the Middle East after a stateside R & R trip,” @andylocal2 writes. “Over in Equine Departures, 4 British horses fresh from a competition in Kentucky had just left to catch a flight to Belgium when a pickup truck pulled up and disgorged its cargo: 10 baby goats from central Pennsylvania.” The #goats, en route to a dairy farm in Russia, settled down to breakfast as a jet roared overhead. “We just try to keep them calm and fed,” said Kris Trowbridge, a worker from the Pennsylvania farm, who was photographed here by @jtaggfoto. Along with the goats, the Ark has hosted a potbellied pig who needed a place to wait after missing a connecting flight, 235 racing pigeons that got stranded for 3 days, and an agouti — giant 8-pound rodent — named Ralph. Visit the link in our profile to read more. #?


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