ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月19日 12時25分

It’s the golden age of TV. And writers are paying the toll. Last year, while working 2 jobs, Kirk Moore was getting by on 3 hours of sleep (at most). During his all-night writing binges for @americancrimeabc and @13reasonswhy, he was also sipping on Applejack Crown Royal. Plus lots of Gummy Worms and caffeine. The result: a panic attack that sent him to the emergency room. “I remember I was at urgent care, working on my script because I was on deadline and I didn’t want to tell them I was sick,” Kirk said of an episode he wrote for @americancrimeabc. @andrewwhitey photographed Kirk on his balcony in Valley Village, California. His hospital stay may be an extreme manifestation of the stresses of the TV writing life, but the profession’s possible pitfalls are willingly accepted by a growing number of writers. They’re enticed by the increased prestige of writing for a medium long disdained as a vast wasteland. We’re in the era of #PeakTV, when streaming services do battle with the broadcast and cable networks to win the allegiances of audiences. The writer @alexsuskind talked to 3 of them about what it’s like to work in this golden age. Visit the link in our profile to read more.


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