ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月14日 09時43分

Inspired by the cinema of Hong Kong, the photographer @anrizzy wanted to capture cinematic pictures of the ever-changing metropolis. This man, photographed in central Hong Kong, reminded @anrizzy of a style he knew from older films. “He captures this sense of a bygone Hong Kong that I rarely see anymore," he told @nytimesfashion, "that you only see in the older generation.” @anrizzy, who grew up in Queens, cited Wong Kar-wai's films, @dukefeng52's cinematography, the photography of Fan Ho and ’90s gangster movies like “Young and Dangerous” as inspirations for his work. He travels often to Hong Kong, spending weeks at a time there. “My family is from Taishan in Guangzhou, so we are of the Cantonese people,” he said. “We speak Cantonese, so when I go to parts of Hong Kong that speak Cantonese, it’s this familiar feeling of home to me.” Visit the link in the profile to see more of An Rong’s photos from @nytimesfashion's #TheLook.


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