?JOIN US-一起加入4foodie的大家庭?We want to invite YOU to be a part of our family! - 大家都知道評論食物是一件很主觀的事情, 我們不認為我們4foodie的意見就是100%正確的?? 所以現在我們要邀請你們一起加入我們的行列, 一起踏上4foodie的美食之旅! 一起分享更多美食, 一起讓更多人看見你拍的美美的照片! - ?規則說明: 1. 發文的時候在文章裡Hashtag #4foodieforfoodie 2. 我們每個禮拜三早上會選出兩張大家的照片,並且私訊被我們選中的人?我們會把我們的發文格式傳給你。 3. 請在當天晚上12點之前填寫完畢並傳給我們,記得要連同被我們選上的那張美食照一起傳給我們哦(超過12點就失去資格,我們就會選別人哦!) 4. 我們會在你的美食照上寫上我們的手寫字,然後在禮拜五於我們4foodie版面上進行發佈的動作,中午一張,晚上一張哦! ?(會在照片上標註分享照片的人) ?粉絲回饋: 我們半年會舉辦一次抽獎給這幾位被我們選中的粉絲, 1個月會有8名粉絲的照片被選中, 6個月就代表有48位粉絲, 沒錯!只有這48位可以參與這個抽獎! 所以中獎機率大大提升囉?❤️? ?活動時間: 從此刻就可以開始#4foodieforfoodie 我們在下週五就會在4foodie發布照片囉? 不意外的話這活動會一直進行下去? 希望大家踴躍參與!! 不管是在台灣的美食或是在國外的美食都歡迎分享~並沒有限制只能台灣??? - 一直在想要怎麼和大家有更多互動?? 而不是只是單純的分享食物, 大家的意見都對我們很重要, 也想讓各位粉絲多看到不同人對食物的看法? 快標記你的吃貨朋友來參加❤️ ??‍♂人人都是foodie?? - - ?HEY FOODIES AND FOOD LOVERS!? - Thank you so much for supporting our page and bringing us to where we are today! We want to show our appreciation by inviting YOU to be a part of our family. As a part of our family, we welcome you guys to share your own content for a chance to be featured on our page! We love our fans and want you guys to join us on our 4foodie journey to conquer the world one dish at a time! ? Join us on our adventures and share your pictures of food from all around the world not just with us, but with everyone! ?????????? - - ?RULES: 1. Take a picture of your food and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #4foodieforfoodie 2. We will choose 2 lucky winners every Wednesday by noon (CST) and dm chosen candidates for further information. 3. Please reply back by the end of that day and send us your photos through email. If you don't reply before 12 AM on Thursday, we will choose another candidate. 4. We will add our doodles onto your photos and feature you on our page on Friday! - ?We will do giveaways every half year for those chosen candidates. As your posts are chosen, you are automatically enrolled in our giveaways!??? So come be a part of 4foodie and join our family by showing us dishes from around the world! And remember, #4foodieforfoodie!! tag your friends ❤️ ??‍♂️Everyone is a foodie at heart??

4foodieさん(@4foodie)が投稿した動画 -

4foodie, for foodieのインスタグラム(4foodie) - 6月23日 23時00分

?JOIN US-一起加入4foodie的大家庭?We want to invite YOU to be a part of our family!
1. 發文的時候在文章裡Hashtag #4foodieforfoodie
2. 我們每個禮拜三早上會選出兩張大家的照片,並且私訊被我們選中的人?我們會把我們的發文格式傳給你。
3. 請在當天晚上12點之前填寫完畢並傳給我們,記得要連同被我們選上的那張美食照一起傳給我們哦(超過12點就失去資格,我們就會選別人哦!)
4. 我們會在你的美食照上寫上我們的手寫字,然後在禮拜五於我們4foodie版面上進行發佈的動作,中午一張,晚上一張哦!
??‍♂人人都是foodie?? -
Thank you so much for supporting our page and bringing us to where we are today! We want to show our appreciation by inviting YOU to be a part of our family.
As a part of our family, we welcome you guys to share your own content for a chance to be featured on our page!
We love our fans and want you guys to join us on our 4foodie journey to conquer the world one dish at a time! ?

Join us on our adventures and share your pictures of food from all around the world not just with us, but with everyone! ?????????? -
1. Take a picture of your food and post it on Instagram using the hashtag #4foodieforfoodie
2. We will choose 2 lucky winners every Wednesday by noon (CST) and dm chosen candidates for further information.
3. Please reply back by the end of that day and send us your photos through email. If you don't reply before 12 AM on Thursday, we will choose another candidate.
4. We will add our doodles onto your photos and feature you on our page on Friday! -
?We will do giveaways every half year for those chosen candidates. As your posts are chosen, you are automatically enrolled in our giveaways!??? So come be a part of 4foodie and join our family by showing us dishes from around the world! And remember, #4foodieforfoodie!!
tag your friends ❤️
??‍♂️Everyone is a foodie at heart??

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4foodie, for foodieを見た方におすすめの有名人