Krissyのインスタグラム(cottagefarm) - 6月11日 18時14分

in the chilly Maine evening a fire smoldered in the huge stone hearth @earthathiddenpond and we cozied up with a glass of red after dinner into the old chesterfield in front of it, the best seat in the house. Chatting late into the night, until we were the last remaining, making plans, scheming house renovations. Vacation conversations have a magic unto themselves, unhurried and unpressured. Conversation for the sake of it, for the pure joy of it. With no real outcome necessary or goal to achieve - I relish these sorts of evenings
We shared dinner with new friends @theyellownote & @wheresthewagoneer - woodfired pizzas with delightfully charred crust and huge green salads of sweet summer lettuces - a serenade of bullfrogs in the background
a welcomed close to an easygoing day in Kennebunkport
#hiddenpond #kennebunkport #cottagefarmroadtrip ||sponsored


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