エミリー・ハリントンのインスタグラム(emilyaharrington) - 4月17日 16時04分

When you're almost 3 and there's an Easter Egg ? hunt at the crag and you find all the chocolate eggs ???? and eat as many as you can before your parents tell you you can't anymore and it's so fun because everything is so wonderous and interesting and you're so curious ? and stoked ? and pulling the rope is the most fun but also climbing with all the quickdraws clipped to your harness is also kinda cool and it's all pretty fantastic and you can't stop asking questions and singing made up songs and collecting the best rocks and meeting all the people and trying to absorb everything and you love it all so much until you get so tired you get kinda grumpy ? and your mom puts you down for a nap underneath the cliff and you sleep ? while the adults climb and you wake up and do it all over again cuz you're almost 3 and the world is the most amazing place, especially when you're Theo ? OMG being almost 3 must be rad ? and time with the Puros is the best. Thanks @ベス・ロッデン @randypuro and Theo for making me feel like a part of your awesome little family! So happy to be here with you guys ??❤️


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