ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月17日 22時22分

This is #pollination season for America’s almond trees. In recent weeks, almost 2/3 of the country’s commercial bees have started buzzing through California’s orchards. That means that Bret Adee, America’s largest beekeeper, has been busy, too. His farm has some 92,000 hives, about 3.5 billion bees. During pollination season, they’re loaded onto trucks and ferried to work. But at this point, it’s remarkable that Bret even has a business. For the last decade, a plague has killed billions of #bees annually. Why? Some cite climate change, others cite proliferation of certain pesticides. “Over the last 5 years, I think this small industry could easily have lost $1.2 billion worth of bees,” Bret said. To put that in context: The total U.S. commercial bee business was only worth about $500 million in 2012. And yet 71 of the 100 crops that account for 90% of the food eaten worldwide rely on bee pollination. Without honeybees, there’d be no almond crop — not to mention avocados and apples. @kendrickbrinson spent a day in a bee suit to take this photo of one of Bret’s employees preparing to move hives. #?

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