ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月16日 04時30分

“I feel sunshine,” said @peiju_chienpott about raising her arms and taking steps that lift each leg in a high attitude position in the first section of @marthagrahamdance’s “Primitive Mysteries.” In the opening of this austere, all-female work from 1931, @peiju_chienpott plays an innocent. “I have to just keep it simple and to find the movement quality first — the lightness — through the breath,” she said. In other words, she doesn't act like she's a young girl; the movement takes her there. In “Primitive Mysteries” much of the choreography is minimal and marked by severe restraint. “It’s so different than any other Graham piece I performed,” she said. “The simplicity is the hardest. Because we all like to move.” The tension, as @peiju_chienpott told the @ニューヨーク・タイムズ writer @giadk, “is built from the internal focus, the vibrations from inside my heart. It’s a lot about the internal gaze. Every time I rehearse, I feel like I didn’t do anything. But I’m sweating.” @gwbitz took this #video for #SpeakingInDance, our weekly exploration of dance.


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