ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 2月16日 23時00分

What happens to food scraps after they go out with the trash? In New York City, which generates about a million tons of organic waste a year, a large fraction will soon wind up at Charles Vigliotti’s compost facility on Long Island, where @grantcornett took this photograph. Charles, chief executive of American Organic Energy, knows that #foodwaste has a lot going for it. Like oil and coal, it can be converted into energy. But it’s something cities will actually pay someone to haul away. In an effort to keep organic material out of dumps, where it generates methane, some send it to old-fashioned compost facilities. But anaerobic digestion, in which food is broken down by microbes inside airtight silos, has a better shot at scaling near densely populated areas like New York. Charles expects to break ground on a $50 million anaerobic digester this spring. “I’d like to say I had a vision of environmental responsibility,” he told @nytmag. “But I saw food composting as a business opportunity.” Visit the link in our profile to read more in @nytmag.


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