thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 1月9日 02時12分

Photo by @migeophoto Michael George // I reflect often on the differences between my dreams of a trip and how it actually turns out. When I am lying in bed in New York, stressed about deadlines, and dreaming of the mountains or a foreign city, versus the ache in my legs during a hike, or a lost bag, or a mood I thought I would leave behind. Mornings, while traveling, are the closest I come to achieving the bliss I imagine when most in need of an escape. Travel gives the gift of time, and mornings can be as slow as you need. They’re spent reviewing the wonders of the previous day, and hoping for what has yet to come. The follies and frustrations of the journey, with a soft barrier of sleep, have become humorous. I focus on the crackling of toast, the low buzz of coffee, and the sweetness of jam. In a city, often I will stare out the window at locals. These lives are not mine. I will never know their routines or habits or rituals, but I will appreciate them–elevating their monotony with foreign eyes. // #hohrainforest #olympicnationalpark #washingtonstate #hiking #travelmornings #traveling #travelwriting


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