thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 12月3日 08時13分

Video by @edkashi/@viiphoto: Pastor Christian, a community leader in Bodo, Nigeria speaks about the land that once was home to mangrove forests on May 17, 2016. An article on the National Wildlife Federation website discusses the impact of global warming on mangroves. “Mangrove forests live in two worlds at once – at the interface between land and sea – anchoring their stilt-like roots in brackish waters where other plants cannot grow.” Hosting a variety of wildlife, mangrove ecosystems play a critical role in protecting low-lying coastal areas from storm surges, stabilizing shorelines, and improving water quality.” The NWF continues, “rising sea levels and changing salinity pose the most serious threats to these ecosystems. Where mangroves are sheltered by coral reefs killed by global warming, damage to mangroves from increased wave action is expected to rise. Loss of mangroves will have a serious economic impact on both fisheries and coastal communities. In developing countries, mangroves have proven critical for saving human lives by their dampening of the wave heights and wind speeds during coastal storms.” #everydayclimatechange #actonclimate #globalwarming #nigeria #mangrove #water


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