ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 11月3日 02時36分

Horses being treated at a free clinic on Cairo’s desert outskirts. In 2013, Jill Barton, an Australian nurse, went on vacation in Egypt to visit the Great Pyramids of Giza. But she ended up staying. Jill, 56, spent her savings to open Egypt Equine Aid, which helps battered workhorses in Giza’s Nazlet el-Samman neighborhood. For generations, men from this ramshackle slum have made their living by renting horses to prance in street weddings and to take tourists around the Great Pyramids. In this impoverished community, horses are seen as working beasts; there's little sentimentality. The men work them until they collapse from exhaustion and then unceremoniously toss their carcasses in nearby dunes. But Jill is a passionate defender of suffering animals. In 2 years, her clinic has treated around 300 horses and donkeys, and she advocates euthanasia, or, as she calls it, taking animals “over the rainbow bridge.” @degnerd photographed this pair of ??s while on #nytassignment in Giza, Egypt.


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