サザビーズのインスタグラム(sothebys) - 10月25日 19時56分

Only one week to go until our exhibition of David Bowie’s personal art collection opens to the public in London on Tuesday, 1 November at 12PM. The exhibition is free and open at to the public at our New Bond Street Galleries from midday 1 November to midday 10 November.

David Bowie collaborated with Damien Hirst on ‘Beautiful, hallo, space-boy painting’ in 1995, the same year the artist won the Turner prize. David Bowie recalled: “I had a ball. I felt like I was 3 years old again. It reminded me of Picasso’s attitude. You know, he set the parameters in the studio that produced a kind of playfulness out of which came a very pure thing” (New York Times, June 1998). David Bowie had joined the board of Modern Painters in 1994, and interviewed Hirst for the magazine the following year. Hirst was, in Bowie’s own words, his idea of a contemporary artist, being ‘…one of the people who has helped make art very accessible to the public in Britain in a way that has never happened before’. See ‘Beautiful, hallo, space-boy painting’ and a second spin painting, ‘Beautiful, shattering, slashing, violent, pinky, hacking, sphincter painting’ on view from midday next week, along with over 350 other works from the collection #BowieCollector


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