ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 8月21日 00時21分

These train cars in Kentucky's Letcher County were once filled with coal. Today, they sit motionless at a former coal mining site. Nearly 13,000 coal jobs — and countless more in related industries — have disappeared in Kentucky since President @Barack Obama took office. Coal employment is at its lowest level since 1898. In Washington, Democrats and Republicans remain locked in a feud over whether the Obama administration’s aggressive environmental regulations amount to a “war on coal.” Meanwhile, on the presidential campaign trail, @ドナルド・トランプ is vowing to “put our miners back to work.” But across central #Appalachia, and especially in eastern Kentucky, elected officials, business leaders, environmentalists and community advocates are looking beyond politics to wrestle with a question essential to the region’s survival: What comes after coal? @george_etheredge took this photo while on #nytassignment in Kentucky. This #nytweekender, we’ll be sharing more photos from the region.


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