thephotosocietyのインスタグラム(thephotosociety) - 6月10日 21時30分

Photo by Michael George @migeophoto // The @riverbankszoo has a little #zoobaby to celebrate! Have you ever wondered how comfortable it would be to get bundled up in a koala's pouch? Take a long, hard look at this little one and you might be able to imagine it. Lottie is holding her joey close as it takes a nap in the middle of the day. This is her ninth birth in her eleven years at the zoo. The State newspaper in Columbia reported, "as an indication of how rare that is, an average of seven joeys are born per year in the eleven U.S. zoos with koala exhibits, and only two were born in 2014." A newborn will stay in its mother's pouch for up to six months before emerging and clinging to her like a "backpack or fanny pack." Visitors will have to look closely, because the joey is often hidden away for sleepy time. // #riverbankszoo #koalababy #koala #joey #koalajoey #zoobabies #discoversc @discoversc #columbiasc


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