トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 4月22日 16時22分

Gosh I feel emotionally exhausted, I haven't slept for days since the news of my beloved Nan dying. Yesterday I kissed her goodbye for the very last time and she looked so peaceful but I can't believe I'll never hold her in my arms again, never hear her voice or see her smiling face. She's given me a lifetime of incredible memories and inspiration but selfishly I wish I had just one more second with her to tell her how much I love her. She's too precious for me to let her go but I know that she deserves to be at peace. What an amazingly selfless woman who will always live on in my heart, I hope she will help me to turn this pain into happiness once more ????? rest in peace Nanny ?????? #love #peace #namaste #forever #together #remember #memories #beloved #truelove #priceless #irreplaceable #oneinamillion #heartache #heartbreak #family #heartbroken #loss #sleepwell #sleep #dream #angel #heaven #rest #alwaysremember


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