トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 3月18日 23時30分

Thank you @afaylesbury @tomdavenportpt for kicking my butt today, sorry for the sweaty hug! ? Several months off of training and it's safe to say today's session killed me but in the best way possible. I'm hyped to be getting into shape for summer and I hope you'll all join me on my fitness journey. Today I'm a jelly but hopefully soon I'll be a rock hard mountain, every rep, every step and every breath is one closer to my goal. Have a wicked weekend my darlings ?????? #love #peace #namaste #pt #personaltrainer #gym #gymbunny #fit #fitness #fitspo #fitspiration #fitfam #kickass #hot #sweaty #mess #smashed #wipeout #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #muscles #cardio #training #nopainnogain #summerbody #beachbody #turnup #gains


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