トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 9月29日 17時26分

Have you ever truly felt words? You know the kind that get into your bones, make a lump form in your throat as you choke back tears and set your heart racing and skin flushing. I've put my life and soul into the pages of "Traces Of Me by Tracy Kiss" to give the world an eye opening account of love and lust and being a single girl, I've had my readers cry with their connection to my experiences and stay up all night in ecstasy, shocked that a book can touch them so deeply. Whether you're a keen reader or haven't touched a book since school this is something you'll find impossible to put down and strictly 18+ it available on Amazon and smashwords for just £1.99 and all other currencies and in paperback on createspace. I'd love for you grab a copy and tell me where my words take you ???? #selfie #selfiestick #love #lust #heartbreak #dating #confidence #commitment #relationship #bae #bf #gf #girl #blonde #bridgetjones #fiftyshades #grey #fiftyshadesofgrey #eljames #book #ebook #blogger #writer #author #model #hot #sexy #fun #thrills #heels


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