musicのインスタグラム(music) - 9月14日 00時30分

Take away the sold-out shows, the millions of albums sold, the 22 Grammys, and @U2 still sees itself as a young group of punks from Dublin looking to push themselves and challenge the status quo unapologetically. “When we were younger we had very clear-drawn enemies – us versus them,” lead singer Bono tells @music. “And then as we went through the ‘90s, things started to change for us, and we started to realize the biggest obstacles in the way of our personal development and our band’s development were internal forces. You know, I miss the black-and-white view of the world that I had as a younger man. It could be a bit pious and self-righteous at times – it certainly had a righteous anger to it. But now I measure things by their ability to achieve the result.” Photo by @U2


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