トレーシー・キスのインスタグラム(tracykissdotcom) - 7月9日 17時14分

Good morning my darlings who would like to support my charity fundraising for a thank you photo? Please send proof of a £10 or higher donation www.crowdfunder.co.uk/tracykissdotcom to me tracy@tracykiss.com I'm fundraising to help 10 charities including the disabled, injured firefighters, babies in intensive care, cancer patients and the elderly. Every contribution brings me closer to my £10,000 target and 100% of what I raise goes straight to charity I'm over half way through my target now and together we can make such a difference to so many in need. Please find it in your heart to give what you can, even if you've never supported a charity before. Kindness is fuel for life and for the sake of a few pints of beer you can save the lives of so many. Make this your #randomactofkindness even if it's only a one off its still an amazingly selfless thing to do. Stay blessed and have a lovely day ???? #raok #kind #kindness #donate #donation #charity #charity #fundraiser #fundraising #funda #crowdfunder #donations #help #love #support #justgiving #give #selfless #heartfelt #family #friends #lovedones #makeadifference #makeawish #savealife #together #teamkiss


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




