ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月6日 02時38分

Rescuers carried an injured Sherpa to safety after the massive earthquake in #Nepal on April 25 triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest. When the quake struck, @delhiroberto was at #Everest base camp working on an anniversary story about the 2014 avalanche that killed 16 Sherpa guides. “I feel very, very lucky that I was able to be there, survive it and tell the story,” he told our photo blog, Lens. “And once again, as a journalist I witnessed the cohesiveness of humans in the face of tragedy. Everybody really pulled together. Everyone was helping. It is always comforting to see people coming together to pull through a difficult situation.” See more photos on @AFP通信 and follow @delhiroberto to see images from Nepal. #lensblog


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