ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 5月5日 08時40分

A girl playing in #CentralPark today. When @samuelhodgson saw the weather this morning, he crossed his fingers, hoping he'd get a chance to shoot outside. He was in luck: he got a call from an editor who had a challenge for him — “one of my favorite things to hear,” he said. To illustrate a story for a series about how growing up in #Manhattan affects children's earnings later in life, they decided he should head to the park. “I marveled at how adventurous they all looked up there, a big skyline in the background and not a care in the world,” he said. He filed his pictures from a bench and then, feeling nostalgic for his own childhood, called his mom on Skype.


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