コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 3月20日 08時28分

#tbt 1989, Coffee Glacier, base of the Eye Tooth, Alaska Range, Denali National Park. •

Mugs Stump scoping the upper dihedrals of the Bauman/Lewis Route. We were aiming for the second ascent and hopefully first free ascent of the proud dihedral. We were in early, got after the first couple of pitches free and committed to the route. It started snowing and we pitched our portaledge in a safe spot. For seven days and seven nights it snowed and snowed. Once the storm passed we had enough strength to rap down and wallow over to our flattened VE25. No summit, yet a fantastic bit of solitude in a wild location. •• Several years after Mugs was pinned in a crevasse I went back with Paul Gagner. The weather was miserable and a huge portion of the upper dihedral had fallen down. Nothing but loose blocks, shards of time and flakes of sand. No summit, yet a gentle reminder we are but guests in the mountains. ••• Mugs taught me an appreciation for meager rations and cold bivys. Something I carry with me today. He also shared confidence, as seen in this photo. "Yeah man. We're gonna climb this thing." #thenorthface #feedingtherat


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