コンラッド・アンカーのインスタグラム(conrad_anker) - 3月4日 22時49分

Demond Terrell Mullins has visited Hyalite Canyon the past three years as part of Veterans Expeditions and the Sierra Club Mission Outdoors. He served in the New York Army National Guard as a Armor Crewman. He cleaned up the World Trade Center after 9/11 and ran a tour in Iraq in '04 with the 1st Cav. He was part of the cordon of Falujah and the first US-sponsored Iraqi elections - which was no fun. His father was an infantryman in the 1st Cav and served in the Panama invasion. His grandfather also served in the 1st Cav and fought in Vietnam. It is in his blood. After serving he went on to get his PhD in Sociology and currently teaches at Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Climbing is a good way to live in the moment. • Topping out on Airborne Ranger, Hyalite in cold conditions.


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