National Geographic Travelのインスタグラム(natgeotravel) - 1月27日 23時32分

I'll never forget my first trip into Switzerland. I was about 26 and on the end of a year-long backpacking trip around the world. I was on a train heading into the Bernese Alps and my jaw was on the floor of the train compartment. I was looking at the mountains and the little villages and I remember thinking that I had never seen such pure, grand beauty before. It was like a fairytale to me. I then looked around at the locals on the same train and no one was looking at the spectacle that was occurring outside the train window. That was a moment of clarity for me....where I realized how numb we tend to become to beauty we see on a daily basis. Happening outside the window was one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever laid my eyes upon and yet to everyone else it was normal....not even worth looking up from the newspaper. I think we all tend to take for granted the beauty around us. I often remind myself of that feeling when I first looked upon the Bernese Alps so I don't forget to appreciate that which I might have become numb to, but is so beautiful. Photo by @magnumji


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