デイブ・グラハムのインスタグラム(dave_graham_) - 12月15日 13時28分

Got my ass kicked by this @ダニエル・ウッズ rig up in RMNP called Mirror Reality all week. No matter what I do I just can't seem to stick the heinous jump move in the middle from the start. Regardless of the grade, 8b+| V14, this may be my longest term project I've ever had, and the hardest boulder in the world (for myself mind you) I think I've tried. I've spent over 20 days there now since the day @jon_cardwell and I discovered and cleaned it in 2011...Sometimes I question whether Im happy we actually found it...but since we did, I hope more so that someday I will stick this jump from the sit, and really hope I don't fall off then ending if it actually happens #nemisisrig #weareisland @island_io @fiveten_official @petzl_official @walltopia @frictionlabs @gognarly ? by @tchadx


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