surflineのインスタグラム(surfline) - 11月13日 23時43分

This week's #PurpleBlobOfTheWeek comes from the North Atlantic. A slow
moving storm is setting up a large area of 20-30ft+ seas that will push SE from Greenland and towards SW Europe over the next 24 hours. This will send a solid to XL W/NW swell to much of Europe and beyond as we head into and through the weekend. Our forecast team expects unfavorable winds to be an issue at many, but not all, locations.

Also, in case you were wondering, swell from last week's #PurpleBlobOfTheWeek (which turned into the #BeringBomb) is still in the water in the NPAC. Be sure to check Surfline's expert forecasts in Europe, the West Coast, Hawaii, and surrounding areas for additional details. Report brought to you by #SurflineForecast's @mwillissurfline


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